Six healthy foods that will help you lose weight

Many people have a hard time staying full and losing weight.

That seems almost impossible, but experts say otherwise.

There are certain foods that are quite powerful in the fight against weight gain, and the good thing is that we can buy them anywhere and they won't cost us much.

Some of them don't require any cooking, and in addition to losing weight, they also extend your life.

They contain healthy fats, fiber, and lean proteins, which are essential for the proper functioning of our bodies.

Here are who they are…


One can of tuna contains enough protein, vitamins B3 and D, calcium, and magnesium to satisfy us if consumed as a meal.


Yogurt is rich in protein, vitamins B12, B2, calcium, and phosphorus, as well as good bacteria that aid digestion.


An excellent choice of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, protein and B vitamins.


Similar to lentils, beans contain the aforementioned vitamins and minerals, and are also rich in folate.


They have proven energy power, are rich in fiber, good fats, and protein, so we should consume them in a certain amount.


Chia, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and the like have high nutritional value and healthy fats, so it's good to include them as an addition to salads or fruit mixes.

Photo: Pinterest

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