
Kate Middleton on World Cancer Day: Cherish everything beyond the disease

По повод Светскиот ден за борба против ракот – 4 февруари, принцезата Кејт Мидлтон, која минатата година храбро се соочи со оваа болест, сподели емотивна порака и моќна фотографија направена од нејзиниот…

What food combinations are best for the digestive system?

Храната, доколку правилно ја комбинираме може да биде лек. Токму затоа е од клучно значење што и како внесуваме во нашиот организам. Здравиот дигестивниот систем е многу важен. Меѓу другото тој е…

Kango Jumps – when fun and fitness become one

Kangoo Jumps is a sport that combines fitness and fun. This sport is very popular because it provides effective cardio exercise with minimal stress on the joints, thanks to specially designed spring-loaded shoes.…

New study confirms: Coffee may have benefits for gut health

A new study suggests that coffee consumption may affect the diverse community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. Researchers found that people who regularly drink coffee have higher levels of a specific…

What food is best for warming up in winter days?

On cold winter days, there's nothing more welcome than a hot drink and food to warm you up. When temperatures drop below zero, and you need to stay focused during the workday...

Six healthy foods that will help you lose weight

Many people have a hard time staying full and losing weight. It seems almost impossible, but experts say otherwise. There are certain foods that are quite powerful in the fight against weight, and the good…

In honor of Pink October

Every season has its own color, but October is special. It is the pink month, dedicated to femininity, authenticity, courage, constant struggle and support. In October, female fighters join hands, unite…
