Kendall Jenner has once again turned heads with her latest fashion trend, a striking combination of red and black, which is quickly becoming her signature style. Spotted in Los Angeles, Jenner wore a cherry-colored coat over sleek black pants. She was photographed while out for sushi with Hailey Bieber.
Just two days earlier, she showed up in a cherry-colored turtleneck sweater, black pants, and loafers at a bowling alley party. Back at Christmas, she dazzled in a black dress with red heels. Even her Instagram and gift wrapping paper attest to her obsession with this classic, dramatic palette.
Jenner's dedication to black and red speaks volumes. Red, a symbol of power and passion, has always been a classic, but the exclusive pairing with black creates an impression of impeccable sophistication and courage.
Whether this is intentional or unintentional, this bold fashion statement proves one thing – Kendall Jenner knows how to make her look recognizable.