ELENA LUKA HOME continues its promo campaign across Macedonia

ELENA LUKA HOME, the construction company with a proven reputation and quality, has recently launched a promotional campaign for its current projects in several cities across Macedonia.

After successful visits to Bitola, Prilep and Kumanovo last week, where the ELENA LUKA HOME team made many new contacts, collaborations and friendships, this week they continue with the promotional campaign in Ohrid, Kavadarci, Shtip and Strumica.

On Wednesday, August 21st, ELENA LUKA HOME will carry out the promo campaign in Ohrid at the “St. Cyril and Methodius” Square from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, and at the same time the next day, Thursday, August 22nd, they will be positioned at the “Marshal Tito” Square in Kavadarci. On Friday, August 23rd, the agenda will be Shtip from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at “Mal Ploshtad”, and Strumica from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at “Gradski Ploshtad”.

Visitors will be able to learn about the residential and commercial building. FUTURE 2 of ELENA LUKA HOME, located in the Municipality of Kisela Voda, as well as for the residential-commercial building MELODY, located in the Zelezara neighborhood.

Interested passers-by will be able to learn more about all types of apartments and square footage and the opportunities for their business, and will also be able to learn more about the high-quality materials that are implemented, the functionality of the residential units and the exclusivity of the business spaces, which is what makes the work of ELENA LUKA HOME recognizable.

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