In the heart of Paris, at the magnificent Palais de Tokyo, Elie Saab presented his spring/summer 2025 haute couture collection. The show was inspired by the world of Impressionist art, and visitors were surrounded by masterpieces by Van Gogh, Monet, and Pissarro.
The collection, titled “Portrait of a Dream,” combined elegance, detailed design, and a magical play of light. The initial models in shades of champagne and pink silk were soft and delicate, but when crystal-embellished dresses appeared on the runway, the atmosphere took on a new dynamic. Spectators could hear beads jingling as the models walked, adding extra magic to the show.
There was also an unexpected twist on the scene – dark blue denim, treated with high fashion, took on a new look.
Saab истакна дека во неговата колекција, секој фустан е потег со четка, дел од една голема уметничка приказна што ги прикажува двете страни на неговата инспирација – силата и нежната женственост.
The show ended with Saab's bride - a layered tulle dress, decorated with glittering details and a magnificent, luxurious veil, which caused admiration among those present.
Elie Saab once again showed that fashion can be art, turning the runway into a living impressionistic portrait that captured the beauty and strength of women.
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