4 important tips on how to care for your skin after 30

After the age of 25, you can already notice changes in your skin, which means it's time to start taking care of it. You've probably also noticed that your skin is slowly losing the youthful glow it once had and it easily becomes tired and dry. That's why it's time to take action and delay the first signs of aging.

Anti-aging skin care usually starts in your twenties, and that's when it's time to start applying sunscreen and practicing a healthy lifestyle. When you turn 30, it's time to listen to your skin's needs and pay close attention to it. Here are some important anti-aging skin tips.

  1. Apply eye cream

The area around the eyes is perhaps the most delicate part when it comes to aging because it is most prone to dryness, the skin here is really thin and most often in this area the first wrinkles and dark spots begin to appear, which is why eye cream is essential in your thirties. Choose products that guarantee hydration and discard those that irritate and do not suit your skin.



 2. Proper facial cleansing

At this age in life, you need to take your facial cleansing seriously. It's important to remember that every skin type is different and every skin has different care needs. Try to avoid makeup remover wipes, as they clog pores, and only use them as part of your cleansing routine or when you really have no other choice. Use a scrub, a skin brightening serum, a facial cleansing foam, and apply a mask once a week.

  1.  Use retinol

If you haven't used retinol before, now is the time to do so. Retinol has been scientifically proven to be one of the best anti-aging agents for the skin, just as important as UV protection.

  1.  Protect your skin from the sun and don't forget your sunscreen.

Excessive sun exposure is one of the biggest problems that causes premature aging. Therefore, be sure to use products with a protective factor that will not irritate the skin, while at the same time protecting it from harmful UV rays.

Taking care of your skin after the age of 30 is extremely important, and you will enjoy the effects of your dedication for many years to come. Whenever you don't have the time or desire to devote yourself to your skin, remember that with very little effort in the future you will enjoy great benefits and you will stand in front of the mirror with a smile.

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