Kango Jumps – when fun and fitness become one

Kangoo Jumps is a sport that combines fitness and fun. This sport is very popular because it provides effective cardio training with minimal stress on the joints, thanks to specially designed spring-loaded shoes. The training improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens the body, improves balance and is a great way to relieve stress. Because Kangoo Jumps is very dynamic and fun, it often attracts young people who like sports that are different from traditional fitness training.

Kangaroo Jumps has as many as 33 health benefits. It protects joints, helps increase bone density, reduces stress – these are just some of the health benefits of this training, says Pavlinka Trenchovska, who is an international presenter for Kangaroo Jumps and has been professionally involved in this sport for several years. She explains that interest in this almost new sport in our country is increasing day by day.

We learn more about Kangoo Jumps from our conversation with Pavlinka Trenchovska.

What exactly are Kango Jumps?

-Kangoo Jumps is the world's leading brand of jumping shoes that use an innovative patented "Impact Protection System" IPS system, which is attached to the bottom of the shoes in the form of an elliptical construction.

The Kangoo Jumps brand has developed several fitness programs: Kangoo Power, Kangoo Dance, Kangoo Kick&Punch, Kangoo Boot Camp and a fitness program for the youngest, Kangoo Discovery.

What does a Kangoo Jumps workout look like?

-Although each workout has its own specificity, it still represents a cycle that must include basic and mandatory phases. We start with a warm-up, then the main part of the workout follows, and finally we have a cool-down and stretching.

What are the health benefits of Kangoo Jumps and how safe is it?

-The health benefits are numerous! As many as 33! I would stick to a few!

-Due to the plyometrics on which the bouncing is based and performed with special bouncing shoes, the risk of injury is significantly reduced, and joint protection is significantly increased compared to classic fitness sneakers!

-Provides a more effective way to increase oxygen consumption compared to training with classic sneakers!

-Training with Kangoo Jumps jumping shoes requires a greater amount of oxygen and accordingly this training is much more effective in terms of the number of calories burned. Even twice as much!

-It provides numerous general health benefits: rapid weight loss, fat burning, muscle building, slows down the aging process because it helps tighten the skin, improves posture and balance, prevents cardiovascular disorders, increases bone density, which protects against osteoporosis, induces euphoria, and reduces mental stress, prevents injuries, reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, improves sleep, reduces fatigue and menstrual discomfort in women, improves immunity, improves coordination...

It is secure because of the IPS system that we mentioned earlier. All the benefits, as well as the security, are thanks to that system.

How does this training affect the heart and cardiovascular system?

-Bouncing can also be described as a "cardiovascular exercise."

Kangoo Jumps jumping shoes improve physical activity in the legs, the primary extremities of the body. It is much easier for the heart to supply blood to the legs during greater physical exertion than to pump blood to the upper extremities, the arms. Then the pulse increases due to increased blood pressure, and not due to increased oxygen consumption. For this reason, exercise with Kangoo Jumps Bouncing shoes are better and safer for our cardiovascular health. We have improved heart function, improved oxygen consumption without raising blood pressure.

What are the main benefits of Kangoo Jumps for muscles and how does it affect joints, especially the knees and hips?

-Kangoo Jumps improves muscle tone and improves lymphatic drainage.

The patented Impact Protection System, IPS System, absorbs up to 80% of the impact of the rebound, providing protection for the joints, knees, hips and spine. In fact, the shoes were originally designed by an orthopedic doctor for the needs of professional athletes recovering from knee injuries.

Does Kangoo Jumps help reduce stress and improve mood?

-Of course YES! Using Kangoo Jumps bouncing shoes is a great cure for depression and anxiety! It awakens the child in us, causing a state of euphoria. This can be explained by the rapid release of endorphins – hormones of happiness.

How effective is it as a cardio workout in the context of weight loss?

-Significantly more effective compared to other fitness programs. The main benefits such as increased oxygen consumption, interval training intensity changes, and increased heart rate without the risk of increasing blood pressure allow the body to require a greater amount of energy during training, which it provides by burning a greater number of calories. This is precisely why it is an excellent tool for rapid weight loss.

How often should Kangoo Jumps be practiced to feel the health benefits?

-The optimal is three times a week. But if that's not possible, then once or twice is better than never!

Are there any risks or restrictions for people with health problems?

-Pregnant women should not practice it.

How to avoid injuries when training with Kangoo boots?

-There are no risks of injury if used correctly.

Is Kangoo Jumps suitable for all ages?

-It is suitable for all adults and children over 9 years old.

As a Kangoo Jumps instructor, what would you recommend to those who want to start with Kangoo Jumps?

-I would recommend them to come as soon as possible and I am more than sure that they will fall in love at first sight. This is really something completely different. I get comments from clients that they don't realize how 60 minutes pass so quickly.

For me it was love at first sight!

This unique type of sports activity is a favorite among people who like dynamic and fun workouts. If you are a fan of an active life and want to try something new, this may be the right choice for you.

Ivana Vangelova



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