What are the hair trends that will mark this spring?

Although the snow may still surprise us, it is more than clear that spring will soon be knocking on our door. It always brings with it changes, we associate it with awakening and trying new things.

Hair is a great example of this. The arrival of spring is the perfect time for a new, fresh hairstyle.

That's why today we'll pay some attention to spring hair trends.

Judging by world-renowned stylists, this spring the emphasis will be on shiny, lush, and healthy hair.

Soft curls

Curls will be a real hit in the upcoming season. All you need is good hair care to get shiny and smooth strands that are easy to style.

Classic bob

The classic bob has been trendy for several seasons now, and the good thing about it is that it is easy to maintain.


To get a good haircut, the most important thing is the stylist. If the stylist knows their job, haircuts can be a true symbol of beauty and femininity.


Yes, this spring will be perfect for bangs. If you've been hesitant to make the move, now is the time. Side bangs are good for an oblong face, while straight bangs look good on a face with pronounced features.

Dark chocolate shade

In terms of colors, the warm shade of dark chocolate will be one of the most popular tones.

Raised tail

For fans of tied hair, a high ponytail will be a hit. And to achieve a better effect, avoid the hair mask.

Photo: Pinterest

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