What did we forget today?

Morning, noon, evening... and so the day goes by, more complaints, less praise, and a ton of preparations for what's to come.

Work, personal, and all sorts of obligations have hung over everyone like clouds. Some will have hail, some will have rain, a few thunderstorms, and here and there it will even snow.

And everyone is in a hurry, hurrying... to sort this out, to check, to measure, to sell.

The day has already passed, the next one will come and the responsibilities will be the same, similar, different...

We'll finish them, postpone something, make changes, call where necessary to get things sorted out, right?

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that we're forgetting something.

As if every hour is preparation for the next, as if we are waiting for tomorrow to come, as if the moment does not exist, as if it does not exist now, as if it does not exist here.

And suddenly something will happen that will throw us off track…it will make us stand in silence…

We don't know when, how, or why, but it will make us feel, somehow, deeply.

And then, the hard way, we will learn to live the moment that always escapes us, the moment that we forget.

The gnome will tell you – dive into the moment, grab it with both hands and share it with your friend.

Not tomorrow, today.

And promise yourself that you won't forget it.

And make an album of moments, layer as many smiles, hugs, walks, sighs as you can...

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